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"Aksi Bersama untuk SDGs”, Aeon Mall Indonesia Angkat Isu Tujuan SDGs Ke-12 - 17/11/2023, 18:00 WIB
Yohanes Enggar Harususilo

Penulis - PT Aeon Mall Indonesia held a "Joint Action for SDGs" at the West Atrium, Aeon Mall BSD City, Tangerang, Banten on November 17 2023.

This activity, which was carried out for the first time by PT Aeon Mall Indonesia, aims to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets.

"We encourage sustainability based on basic policies for society, for the community, for the future, our hope is to create new value, " said President Director of PT Aeon Mall Indonesia, Takashi Okada through an official release (17/11/2023).

"We will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by thinking and acting together with customers in various important matters for the earth and the future," he stressed.

Okada added, "after the inaugural activity in 2023, we will hold this event regularly starting next year and will always contribute to Indonesian society."

On the same occasion, Senior GM New Business PT Aeon Mall Indonesia Kaori Hirata explained that this inaugural activity raised the theme of the 12th SDG goal, namely "Responsible Consumption and Production".

"This is also our effort to introduce an environmentally friendly culture from the companies that produce the products we use," he explained.

"We hope that by not only relying on the SDGs, but also participating, customers will be inspired and moved to realize an environmentally friendly future," added Hirata.

Series "Joint Action SDGs 12"

Hansang Joo, Representative of Mall Management Division AEON Mall Indonesia, dalam pembukaan acara Aksi Bersama untuk SDG's yang digelar Aeon Mall Indonesia pada 17-19 November 2023.
DOK. AEON MALL Hansang Joo, Representative of Mall Management Division AEON Mall Indonesia, dalam pembukaan acara Aksi Bersama untuk SDG's yang digelar Aeon Mall Indonesia pada 17-19 November 2023.

Aoen Mall Indonesia's series of SDGs activities began with an opening event on Friday (17/11/2023) morning and was attended by representatives of sponsors and Aeon Mall Indonesia.

Apart from that, there were also stands at Indonesian start- up companies, namely Surplus, Jangjo, Armada Packaging, which also introduced environmentally friendly efforts.

At the same place, a three-day workshop was also held including learning activities to make eco enzymes and making arts and crafts from recycled materials.

Apart from that, seminars were also held inviting speakers from the startup company community who work to solve environmental problems.

Apart from that, the "Supogomi" activity was also held, an action that turns picking up rubbish into a sport. The participants involved collect rubbish within a certain time limit and compete for points based on the quantity and quality of the rubbish.

Also read: Achieving SDGs, Indonesia Maintains Energy Security While Transitioning

While having fun, the participants learned about environmental problems while understanding the waste that is dumped in the environment and local area.

In this activity, PT Aeon Mall Indonesia collaborated with the Japanese Embassy in Indonesia, the Japan International Cooperation Agency, government agencies, local organizations and sponsors. 

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